The story of Australia In Style goes back to the end of the 20th century when founder, Vivien Reed , was wondering how to share her passion for vintage Rolls-Royces and Bentleys.
One of the principles of the Rolls-Royce Owners Club resonated:
” We don’t own the cars. We are simply custodians for the next generation”.
Building on this, and her love of celebration and events, Vivien started to share the collection for weddings and events.
Collaborating with the broader event industry Vivien’s creative flair flourished. She designed innovative experiences for visitors to Sydney. Vivien is especially proud to be the founder of Sydney’s only event transport company to win an international special events award.
The company is also the first event transport company to be carbon neutral.
The fleet of classic cars, remain her pride and joy. In this image she is celebrating with family at a car club rally -all dressed in 1950’s outfits to match the 1956 Rolls-Royce they travelled in.
Vivien has an ongoing interest in creative thinking and creating an inclusive society. The focus in recent years has been on providing experiences which are accessible to all, regardless of their mobility level.
In Vivien’s office the walls are lined with expressions and sayings which are indicative of the source of her drive.
• ‘ Whatever you dream you can do, begin it. With boldness comes genius, power and magic ‘.
• ‘ Work like you don’t need money, love like you’ve never been hurt & dance like no-one is watching ‘.
• ‘ The Mind once stretched by a new idea never regains its original dimensions ‘.
You can check out more on the founder of Australia In Style on Vivien’s profile on LinkedIn
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